What Are the Average Salaries for Four-Year College Graduates: 2024 Insights

average salaries in 2024

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This year’s college graduates are seeing slightly lower hiring projections compared to 2023, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). However, projected salaries for bachelor’s degree holders are higher across all majors.

College remains a strong pathway to well-paying jobs, with bachelor’s degree holders earning, on average, 50% more than high school graduates. This may explain why 35% of U.S. adults view a college degree as part of the American Dream, based on Bankrate’s Home Affordability Survey.

Still, college is expensive, and not all careers offer the same financial return. Many students take on debt to cover costs, making it important to assess the salary and job outlook for your chosen major. This helps determine how much it makes sense to invest in your education, especially if you’re borrowing money to pay for it.

Key Takeaways

  • Average Starting Salary: $68,516, according to analysis of NACE data.
  • Hiring Projections: Overall hiring for the class of 2024 is expected to drop by 5.8% compared to last year.
  • Top Salaries by Major:
    • Engineering Majors: $76,736 (highest projected salary).
    • Computer Science Majors: $74,778.
  • Humanities Salary Growth: Projected to increase by 28.9%, from $52,938 in 2023 to $68,227 in 2024.

Median Earnings by Educational Attainment

Education Level Median Weekly Earnings Median Annual Salary
Doctoral Degree $2,109 $109,668
Professional Degree $2,206 $114,712
Master’s Degree $1,737 $90,324
Bachelor’s Degree $1,493 $77,636
Associate Degree $1,058 $55,016
Some College, No Degree $992 $51,584
High School Diploma, No College $899 $46,748
Less Than a High School Diploma $708 $36,816
  • Professional and Doctoral Degrees lead to the highest earnings, with annual median salaries of $114,712 and $109,668, respectively.
  • Master’s Degree holders earn a median annual salary of $90,324, which is notably higher than those with a Bachelor’s Degree, who earn $77,636 according to BLS.
  • For those with an Associate Degree, the median salary drops to $55,016, indicating a substantial gap compared to bachelor’s and higher degrees.
  • High School Graduates without college education earn a median of $46,748 per year, while those with Some College but No Degree earn slightly more at $51,584.
  • Individuals with Less Than a High School Diploma earn the least, with a median annual salary of $36,816.

Average Salary by Age

Age Group Median Annual Salary
20 to 24 $39,364
25 to 34 $54,912
35 to 44 $64,116
45 to 54 $67,756
55 to 64 $65,208
65 and Older $61,100

The data shows that median salaries generally increase with age and experience, peaking for individuals aged 45 to 54, with an average annual salary of $67,756. After age 54, earnings start to decline, with those aged 55 to 64 earning a median of $65,208, and those 65 and older earning $61,100 annually. This trend reflects the influence of both experience gained over time and the gradual decrease in earning potential as individuals approach retirement.

Systematic Inequalities

Systemic inequalities continue to affect the U.S. job market despite legislative efforts such as the Equal Pay Act, which aims to close wage disparities. Significant racial and gender pay gaps remain, with women and minority groups — especially Hispanic and Black graduates — earning consistently less than their counterparts.

These disparities are evident even when focusing on full-time, year-round workers, indicating that these gaps are not simply due to part-time or seasonal employment differences. Addressing these systemic inequalities is crucial to creating a more equitable job market, but progress remains slow and uneven.

Average Salary by Gender (Age 25 to 34)

Gender Associate Degree Median Annual Earnings Bachelor’s Degree Median Annual Earnings Master’s Degree or Higher Median Annual Earnings
Male $54,160 $75,080 $89,200
Female $43,070 $60,850 $75,670

Female graduates earn significantly less than male graduates at all educational levels according to NCES.

  • Associate Degree: Women earn $11,090 (22.8%) less than men.
  • Bachelor’s Degree: Women earn $14,230 (20.9%) less than men.
  • Master’s Degree or Higher: Women earn $13,530 (16.4%) less than men.

Average Salary by Race and Ethnicity (Age 25 to 34)

Race/Ethnicity Associate Degree Median Annual Earnings Bachelor’s Degree Median Annual Earnings Master’s Degree or Higher Median Annual Earnings
Asian $52,170 $81,420 $107,290
Black $46,950 $56,030 $68,970
Hispanic $45,770 $57,100 $62,290
White $50,930 $70,250 $78,700

Racial and ethnic disparities persist in earnings, with Asian and White workers earning considerably more than Black and Hispanic workers across all levels of education.

The largest disparity is at the Master’s Degree or Higher level, where Asian workers earn a median income of $107,290, compared to just $62,290 for Hispanic workers — a 53% difference.

We know that the gender pay gap and the racial pay gap — and intersections of those — are still a feature broadly of our labor market. It is important for students to really work hard on preparing for salary negotiations. Working with their career centers and their colleges to help them navigate salary negotiations with employers. Obviously, we have to continue to work on closing the pay gap across race and gender on the employer side as well and through public policy.

Mary Gatta, director of Research and Public Policy, NACE

Median Salary by College Major

College Major Median Salary
Electrical Engineering $110,000
Computer Engineering $104,000
Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration $100,000
Chemical Engineering $100,000
Computer Science $100,000
Aerospace Engineering $100,000
Materials Engineering and Materials Science $98,500
Engineering Mechanics, Physics, and Science $95,000
Mechanical Engineering $95,000
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering $90,000

The table shows that engineering and STEM majors tend to have the highest median salaries across all fields of study. Most of these majors, such as Electrical Engineering ($110,000) and Computer Engineering ($104,000), command median salaries of $90,000 or more.

Degrees in Pharmacy and various branches of engineering (e.g., Chemical, Aerospace, Mechanical) also consistently rank among the highest earners, reflecting their specialized nature and high demand in the job market. In contrast, fine arts and humanities tend to offer lower earning potential, demonstrating the influence that one’s field of study has on career earnings.

Average Salary Projections for the Class of 2024

Major (Broad Category) 2024 Starting Salary Projections Change from 2023 Salary Projections
Engineering $76,736 3.1%
Computer Sciences $74,778 2.7%
Math and Sciences $71,076 5.8%
Social Sciences $69,802 16.1%
Humanities $68,227 28.9%
Business $63,907 3.0%
Communications $62,205 7.1%
Agriculture and Natural Resources $61,399 3.6%

The class of 2024 is expected to see higher starting salaries compared to the previous year across all majors. Notably:

  • Humanities majors are projected to have the highest increase in starting salary, with a 28.9% rise, reaching $68,227 according to a NACE survey.
  • Social Sciences majors will also see a significant salary boost, with an increase of 16.1%, bringing their projected salary to $69,802.
  • Engineering ($76,736) and Computer Sciences ($74,778) continue to have the highest projected starting salaries, though with more modest growth rates of 3.1% and 2.7%, respectively.
Picture of Thomas Caldwell

Thomas Caldwell

I’m Dr. Thomas "Tom" Caldwell, a seasoned educator with over 20 years of experience, having taught at prestigious institutions. Now, as a dedicated freelance English teacher, I specialize in delivering engaging and personalized online courses, while also helping students manage their time better and achieve better performance. My passion for literature and innovative teaching methods makes my classes dynamic and impactful. Through LSUUniversityRec.com, I aim to inspire a diverse range of students to love literature and excel in their studies.
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